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휴대용 성분분석기

  • X550
  • X250
  • X-50
  • X-5
  • X-200
  • X-505
  • X-550
휴대용 XRF Spectrometer SystemX500 Series, X200 & X250
제품구분 XRF Spectrometer
  1. 1. 초경량 무게
  2. 2. Best LODS for Mg, Al, Si, S and P in the industry
  3. 3. Highest counts per second in the industry
  4. 4. Modern DPP to handle higher counts and more live time which increases speed
  5. 5. Similar instruments can take 30 seconds to do the same thing but the X-550/X-250 does in 2-10 seconds
  6. 6. X550 has Superior Heat Dissipation
  7. 7. Grooved Design allows for greater area to dissipate heat and creates airflow for Better Cooling
  8. 8. Small Instrument : Can Fit in Tight Places with proven Performance
  1. 1. Scrap 및 금속 성분 분석
  2. 2. PMI(Positive Material Identification) 및 CE(탄소당량)분석
  3. 3. RoHS 분석
  4. 4. Soil 분석 및 환경 규제 대응
  5. 5. 광물 분석
  6. 6. 식품 중 이물질 분석
  7. 7. 오일 첨가물 및 자동차 연료
  8. 8. 귀금속 분석
  9. 9. Academic and Museum 분석 응용